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Science & Society bilateral initiative in social sciences, arts and humanities Activity 8: Modelling social change for public policy Science & Society is a predefined bilateral initiative created by a partnership of 22 institutions from Poland and Norway, jointly conducting 11 activities, with a total budget of PLN 2.5 million. The initiative is coordinated by…

Computer modelling of social phenomena  – conference

Computer modelling of social phenomena – conference

Society & Cognition Unit along with University Computational Center of University of Białystok are pleased to invite you to the conference on modelling social phenomena. Computer-based methodologies have recently been applied with success to research questions within the social sciences. The aim of this conference is to look at some recent research that uses this…

RIP project launch

On November 9th, 2020 was held the official launch of the grant project Religion, Ideology and Prosociality: Simulating Secularising Societies carried out in partnership between Society and Cognition Unit at University of Białystok and Norwegian Center for Modeling Social Systems at NORCE Research Center and funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. The meeting was attended…

Opaqueness, Ritualization, Anxiety: The Cognitive Foundations of Ritual

This research project is funded by the National Science Centre. The total budget of the project is over PLN 587 thousand. Its duration is at least 3 years (2018 – 2021). Project description Rituals are everywhere. From the way that people wash their baby’s bottle, through the team chant repeated before every match, to the…